Annotation 2020-06-26 162545.png

 2D Game Development

HarvardX: CS50G Introduction to Game Developement

This course is one of the HarvardX series I have been following for the semester on edX, which teaches 2D game making in Lua ranging from the simple Pong and Breakout to complex RPG and puzzle-platform game such as Pokemon and Portal. I have attached course link to the title.

Although the basic source codes for each project was provided in the course resource page, I hand-coded every line of the code to grasp the gist of Lua. For each project I also refactored the code to make it my style, as well as implemented changes either to the game mechanics or adding Eastern Eggs.

My Incentive

In 2018 April, Nintendo released the Labo series for the Switch, which quickly attracted my attention. Being a mechanical engineer by then, my original intention was just to take a look at how cardboard toys were designed to play with Switch. Very soon, however, I became amused by the digital side of the world as I got more attracted to other games on Switch including the famous Zelda BoW. Switch ignited my passion I used to have when playing Pokemon on the mini-handheld back to 10 years ago, and it was at that moment I decided to learn to make games by myself.


Besides learning how to code, I also made some changes to the existing code, such as adding some Eastern Eggs or secret keystroke, to make the game a bit more unique and fun. This is more a gamer thing, and attached below are just some of the examples.


Secret Power Key

Player 1 can press "v" for "victory" which enlarges the pad threefold


:/ after finishing the other sections I will come back and update them I promise.


Galvos GUI Control


3D Game Development